
Let's get up and running!

Application Configuration

You can configure the module by creating a cbmailservices key under the moduleSettings structure in the config/Coldbox.cfc file or the new ColdBox 7 approach of creating a config/modules/cbmailservices.cfc

Here, you will configure all the different mailers, default protocol, default sending settings, and more.

moduleSettings = {
    cbmailServices = {
        // The default token Marker Symbol
        tokenMarker     : "@",
        // Default protocol to use, it must be defined in the mailers configuration
        defaultProtocol : "default",
        // Here you can register one or many mailers by name
        mailers         : {
            "default" : { class : "CFMail" },
            "files" : { class:"File", properties : { filePath : "/logs" } },
            "postmark" : { class:"PostMark", properties : { apiKey : "234" } },
            "mailgun" : { class:"Mailgun", properties : {
				apiKey : "234",
				domain: ''
			} }
        // The defaults for all mail config payloads and protocols
        defaults        : {
            from : "",
            cc : ""
	//Whether the scheduled task is running or not
	runQueueTask	: true

By default, the mail services are configured to send mail via the cfmail tag using a mailer called default.


The tokenMarker is used when doing mail merges with variables. The service will look in the body of the email and do replacements according to the following pattern:



The name of the mailer key will be used by default to send mail. The default is called default.


A structure of mailer protocol registrations by key name. Each mailer is registered with the following pattern:

mailerKey : {
    class : "Alias|wireBoxID|CFCPath",
    properties : {}


A structure of default variables will be seeded into the Mail payload. The protocols then use these as defaults. For example, the CFMail protocol will use all these as defaults to the cfmail tag.


By default, a task runs every minute to facilitate sending emails asynchronously (non-blocking). Setting runQueueTask to false will override the default, and the task will not run.

Mail Protocols

The mail services can send mail via different protocols. The available protocol aliases you can register are:

  • CFMail

  • Null

  • InMemory

  • File

  • Mailgun

  • Postmark

Please note that some of the protocols have property requirements.

defaultProtocol : "default",
mailers : {
	// Default CFMail
	"default" : {
		class : "CFMail"

	// FileProtocol
	"files" = {
		class = "File",
		// Required Properties
		properties = {
			filePath = "logs",
			autoExpand = true

	// NullProtocol
	"null" = {
		class = "Null",
		properties = {}

	// InMemoryProtocol
	"memory" = {
		class = "InMemory",
		properties = {}

	// PostMark
	"postmark" = {
		class = "Postmark",
		// Required properties
		properties = {
			apiKey = "123"

	// MailGun
	"mailgun" = {
		class = "Mailgun",
		// Required properties
		properties = {
			apiKey  = "123",
			domain  = "",
			// Optional property, defaults to
			baseURL = "" // for the EU region

Mailer WireBox ID

You can also register ANY WireBox ID or classpath as the mailer. This will allow you to register mailers from your application or any other module.

moduleSettings = {
	cbMailservices : {
		defaultProtocol : "default",
		mailers : {
			"default" : { class : "CFmail" },
			// Custom amazon mailer from the amazonsns module
			"amazon" : { class : "Mailer@amazonsns" }

Last updated

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