Building Protocols

If you want to build your own protocol you will have to do the following

  1. Create a CFC that inherits from cbmailservices.models.AbstractProtocol

  2. Create the init() and send() methods

  3. Give your protocol a name in the init() via the variable.

  4. Register it in the mailers section of the configuration

Here are the method signatures of the two methods to implement:

 * Constructor
 * @properties The protocol properties to instantiate
function init( struct properties = {} ){ =; = "MyProtocol";
	return this;

 * Implemented by concrete protocols to send a message.
 * The return is a struct with a minimum of the following two keys
 * - `error` - A boolean flag if the message was sent or not
 * - `messages` - An array of messages the protocol stored if any when sending the payload
 * @payload The paylod object to send the message with
 * @payload.doc_generic cbmailservices.models.Mail
 * @return struct of { "error" : boolean, "messages" : [] }
struct function send( required cbmailservices.models.Mail payload ){


That's it!

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